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Accommodation Reservations

Why not refresh your mind and body with a massage?

  • Notice from the hotel

Why not stay with us and refresh your mind and body?


We have started offering massage (anma) in Guest rooms of Kamenoi Hotel Kamogawa.


The good things about massage (anma)


①Treatment can be done in Guest rooms.

②You can choose a maleorfemale masseur.

(Depending on the situation, we may not be able to meet your request.)

3. Reset your mind and body(^^)/


You can choose from 3 different courses.

①40 minutes 5,000 yen

②60 minutes 7,000 yen

③80 minutes 10,000 yen

*If you cancel at the last minute, a cancellation fee of 2,200 yen may be charged.

*Payment must be made in cash only.

Reservations can be made at the front desk, number 9.


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