Kamenoi Hotel Okunikko , a ryokan hotel as a base in Nikko
features a hot spring bath and free private parking, and is within 8.2 miles of Kegon Falls and 17 miles of Nikko Toshogu Shrine.
位於日光的龜之井飯店 奧日光湯元(KAMENOI HOTEL OKUNIKKO)是一間日式旅館,適合作為探索日光的住宿設施。
Good access from the Nikko station.
Unlimited rides for 1 day on the "World Heritage Sightseeing Bus", a circular bus that allows you to visit World Heritage site in Nikko. Explore The Shrines & Temples of Nikko, Nikko Toshogu Shrine, the Rinnoji Temple, Futarasan Shrine, Taiyuin Temple, and Nikko Tabosawa Imperial Villa.
Irohazaka is a sightseeing road connecting Nikko city and Kegon Falls, the most famous of Nikko's 48 waterfalls, a water from Lake Chuzenji.
Kamenoi hotel is a convenient ryokan hotel as a base for sightseeing in Nikko.
搭乘"世界遺產巴士"可享 1 日無限次搭乘,這是一條環狀巴士路線,方便遊覽位於日光的世界遺產景點。能盡情探索日光的神社與寺廟、日光東照宮、輪王寺、二荒山神社、大猷院,以及日光田母澤御用邸紀念公園等著名景點。
龜之井飯店是一間便利的日式旅館, 非常適合日光旅遊時入住。

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