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Accommodation Reservations

Information on switching air conditioning from heating to cooling

  • Notice from the hotel

Thank you very much for your continued patronage Kanonji Kamenoi Hotel Kannonji.
We would like to inform you about our hotel's centralized air conditioning system, including Guest rooms.

The air conditioning in our hotel is centrally controlled throughout the building, so it is not possible to switch between heating and cooling for each room.

The unit is currently set to the intermediate period between heating and cooling, so heating and cooling cannot be used.

We are currently conducting water quality tests, and plan to switch to air conditioning on April 30th.
We fully understand that each customer's experience is different, and we are extremely sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but we appreciate your understanding.

* Guest rooms in the annex (Standard Twin, Annex Japanese-Western-Style Room /25㎡) are individually air-conditioned. Both heating and cooling are available.

*We also have electric fans and heaters available for loan at the front desk, so please ask at the front desk.
*Please note that numbers are limited.